sensbiotk.calib package

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sensbiotk.calib package


sensbiotk.calib.calib module

Calib for IMU sensors data

sensbiotk.calib.calib.calib_imu_parameters(acc, mag, gyr)[source]

Compute IMU calibration parameters


params : numpy array of float

[ [off_accx off_accy off_accz], offset for accelerometers [sca_accx sca_accy sca_accz], scale for accelerometers [off_magx off_magy off_magz], offset for magnetometers [sca_magx sca_magy sca_magz], scale for magnetometers [off_gyrx off_gyry off_gyrz], offset for gyrometers [sca_gyrx sca_gyry sca_gyrz]] scale for gyrometers

sensbiotk.calib.calib.compute(imuNumber, filepath=None, param=1)[source]

Performs IMU calibration parameters, saves them in a file at the same path than the .csv recording used, and returns them.

Returns:None :

Load IMU calibration parameters


params : numpy array of float

[ [off_accx off_accy off_accz], offset for accelerometers [sca_accx sca_accy sca_accz], scale for accelerometers [off_magx off_magy off_magz], offset for magnetometers [sca_magx sca_magy sca_magz], scale for magnetometers [off_gyrx off_gyry off_gyrz], offset for gyrometers [sca_gyrx sca_gyry sca_gyrz]] scale for gyrometers

sensbiotk.calib.calib.print_param(params_acc, params_mag, params_gyr)[source]

Print IMU calibration parameters

Returns:None :
sensbiotk.calib.calib.save_param(filename, pcalib_acc, pcalib_mag, pcalib_gyr, comments='')[source]

Save IMU calibration parameters

Returns:None :






sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc module

Calib algo for accelerometers sensors data


Computes the Scale factor Matrix and the bias vector of a MEMS accelerometer. The procedure exploits the fact that, in static conditions, the modulus of the accelerometer output vector matches that of the gravity acceleration. The calibration model incorporates the bias and scale factor for each axis and the cross-axis symmetrical actors. The parameters are computed through Gauss-Newton nonlinear optimization.

The mathematical model used is A = M(V - B) where M (scale) and B (bias) are scale factor matrix and bias vector respectively.

M = [ Mxx Mxy Mxz; Myx Myy Myz; Mzx Mzy Mzz ];
where Mxy = Myx; Myz = Mzy; Mxz = Mzx;

B = [ Bx; By; Bz ];

The diagonal elements of M represent the scale factors along the three axes, whereas the other elements of M are called cross-axis factors. These terms allow describing both the axes misalignment and the crosstalk effect between different channels caused by the sensor electronics. In an ideal world, M = 1; B = 0


data : np.array

(x,3) columns ax, ay and az acceleration values obtained from :

the accelerometer represented in m.s-2 :

x rows represent averaged data from x different static positions


scale : np.array

the scale factor matrix

biais : np.array

the bias vector (in m.s-2)


Compute IMU accelerometer calibration parameters


offset : numpy array of float (dim=3)

offset parameter

scale : numpy array of float (dim=3)

scale parameters

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.errorf(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

error function given by Ax**2+Ay**2+Az**2 - g**2, where g = 9.81

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac1(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxx, mxy, mxz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

Functions jac1 to jac9 are the elements of the Jacobian vector (partial derivatives of the error function with respect to the gain and bias components)

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac2(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

element 2 of the jacobian

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac3(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxx, mxy, mxz, myz, mzz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

element 3 of the jacobian

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac4(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxy, myy, myz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

element 4 of the jacobian

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac5(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

element 5 of the jacobian

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac6(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxz, myz, mzz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

element 6 of the jacobian

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac7(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

element 7 of the jacobian

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac8(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

element 8 of the jacobian

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.jac9(v_x, v_y, v_z, mxx, mxy, mxz, myy, myz, mzz, b_x, b_y, b_z)[source]

f9 function

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.scale_fit(data, constant)[source]

Compute scale from a constant signal to fit with a constant


offset :numpy array of float (dim=3) :

scale parameters

sensbiotk.calib.calib_acc.scale_fit_norm(data, constant)[source]

Compute scale from a constant signal to fit with a constant


offset :float (dim=1) :

scale parameters


To allow a good fitting, The motion must cover all axis rotation without high acceleration.

sensbiotk.calib.calib_geom module

Created on Thu Dec 11 11:25:46 2014

@author: bsijober

Calib for IMU sensors data

sensbiotk.calib.calib_geom.compute(data_imu0, data_imu1)[source]

Compute an “offset” quaternion between two supposed aligned quaternions


q_offset : quaternion [w, x, y, z]

the offset quaternion between IMU0 and IMU1

sensbiotk.calib.calib_gyr module

Calib algo for gyrometer sensors data


Compute IMU gyrometer calibration parameters


scale : numpy array of float (dim=3)

scale parameters

offset : numpy array of float (dim=3)

offset parameter


Compute offset from a constant signal to fit with zero


offset :numpy array of float (dim=3) :

offset parameters


To allow a good fitting, it must be with no motion

sensbiotk.calib.calib_mag module

Calib algo for magnetometers sensors data


Compute IMU magnetometer calibration parameters


scale : numpy array of float (dim=3)

scale parameters

offset : numpy array of float (dim=3)

offset parameter


Calibration using Unit Sphere Fitting algo.


scale :numpy array of float :

scale parameters

offset :numpy array of float :

offset parameters


To allow a good fitting, the motion must cover all axis rotation without high acceleration.

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